I’d like to invite you to 13th year of OLDTIMER BOHEMIA RALLY 2022.
The Club of Historic Vehicles Mladá Boleslav in collaboration with city of Mladá Boleslav and the support of the general partner, ŠKODA AUTO would like to arrange the 13th OLDTIMER BOHEMIA RALLY from 15th to 18th September 2022 held under the auspices of federation FIA and FIVA. The event is supported by 4RALLY TEAM s.r.o.
You can find the apllication for the racers, current information and many others on the website www.oldtimerrally.cz
The headquarters and facilities of the Rally will be in the Community centre in Mladá Boleslav, 1093 Dukelská Street. In honor of annoucment The historically first Rally Škoda in 1974.
As part of this year’s Oldtimer Bohemia Rally, the organizers have decided to organize the third Meeting of motorsport personalities where we and the city Mlada Boleslav and also SKODA AUTO would love to invite you.
Mr. Ladislav Pakosta and Mr. Jaroslav Jelínek also sign this invitation. The third meeting of motorsport personalities will take place on Friday, September 16th, 2022, from 19:00. The Community centre will be open from 6.30 PM.
The Meeting programmme includes, in addition to an informal meeting of all participants, also an interesting cultural program and of course refreshments and the final banquet.
In the attachment, you will find the invitation valid for two people. If you would like to book some more places, please let me know in advance. Information about the Meeting will then be broadcasted by Czech National Television (Česká televize) on the ČT Sport channel, as well as the sports channel Sport 5, and other media as well. Thank you very much in advance for confirming your participation, if possible, please till 21.8.2022.
Best regards,
We look forward to hearing from you,
Michal Kopecký
+420 603 206 842